Sitting in a small living room Daniel sat on "his" armchair looking over at his brother Roy entering the room with a cup of tea in hand and asking "The usual today I suppose", Roy nodded in acceptance before sitting on his own chair ; a couch that he sat sideways on. On went their newly bought large modern 50 inch television that was lofted up on the wall and placed specifically in the rooms center for Roy's OCD reasons. The old shabby television was placed in the corner of the room and used as nothing more than a dust gatherer and a place for Roy to throw his dirty tissues on, or "Snot rags" as he called them. Roy turned on a show about conspiracies, Daniel then preceded to take out his laptop before muttering "Here he goes again" as if talking to a third person in the room.
As they both sat in front of their different screens off went the the television. Roy looked over at Daniel and asked "What happened there, did you do something?", Daniel replied with a laugh emerging on his face "No I didn't maybe its a conspiracy Roy, they know what you are watching", "Ye ye" replied Roy. After a couple of minutes, off went Daniels laptop, much to amusement of his brother "What was that you said a minute ago bro?" Daniel walked out of the room to check on the electrical switch board but everything seemed in order, all the lights were working and appliances also. It was just Roy's television and Daniel's laptop that would not turn on.
Daniel went to make another pot of tea while Roy was trying desperately to get his beloved T.V back on, switching around cables and trying different plug sockets hoping the fuse just went in the one they were using. "Nah the stupid thing won't turn back on, give the company a ring Daniel", "I'm not talking to them you know how much I hate that crap, nothing ever gets sorted" responded a disgruntled Daniel. "Right so bro let's settle it the old fashioned way" Roy asked in hope that Daniel would fall for it. "Go on then" said Daniel before they held their fists out and had a game of paper rock scissors which Roy of course won. "Every time with the paper bro, every time"
Daniel took out his mobile and in annoyance dialed the Television companies number first but there was no answer, he rang up about his laptop then but again no answer, "Everyone must be avoiding us today Roy", Roy responded while waving his arms out as if confused " What is going on today bro". The two stood up pacing around each other thinking what to do next with their non-productive day, "Wanna order some takeout Roy?" asked Daniel but as soon as he finished his question the T.V and laptop started turning on and off repeatedly and in tandem with each other. The boys stood in bewilderment, wondering what was happening here before it stopped for no longer than the count of ten and then started again.
"Just plug the whole lot out Daniel" said Roy, as to which he done but it had no affect on the flickering screens. The brothers looked at each other before Daniel noticed a laughing sound coming from the wall that was parallel to the hanging T.V "Do you hear that? It's coming from the wall I think" Roy edged closer to the wall leading with his ear while responding to Daniel "I do actually bro I fucking do" A loud scream echoed right into Roy's leaning ear as he jumped back bumping into his brother , knocking him over a bit, "Easy there Roy" said Daniel, "Did you not...did you not hear that fucking scream bro" replied Roy, "No what scream, is this another one of your jokes to get me to believe in a conspiracy?" Daniel asked which Roy replied "No there was a big loud stupid screech that almost deafened me, lean up against the wall and hear for yourself". Daniel leaned in to the same spot and to his disbelief he heard "Leave now or never at all" in an old woman's voice.
The voice wasn't coming from the wall but from a picture hanging on the wall. It was of an old lady sitting in the very room that the brothers were in. Daniel took the picture down and read the back of it; "Nancy Kirwan " it read, but who was she thought the boys, before trying to listen in again. Roy noticed a picture next to it that had "Kirwan fruit and vegetable shop" as the name of the shop, "Doesn't that shop look exactly like this house we just bought bro?" said a curious Roy, "It sure does, it sure does alright" answered back his brother . They hung back up the picture of Nancy and went to go down to the guy who sold them the house, who lived at the end of the road "I knew it was too good to be true, the price, the location, everything about it just seemed a little off" Daniel remarked as they left the room walking towards the front door.
As Daniel closed the hall door a smashing sound rang out from the living room "What was that it sounded like a glass was broken" he shouted out. They rushed into the room of the noise where they saw Daniel's laptop screen smashed into tiny fragments and on the T.V was writing in red ; "Leave now or never at all", Roy looked at his brother "Whoa shit just got real bro", Daniel had a face of perplexity mixed with anger "My fucking laptop I just bought it, how did this happen, how?". Roy shrugged his shoulders as this was all the interaction he could muster at this time. "And your T.V who wrote that, this is all getting a bit too creepy for me who's this bitch Nancy Kirwan and why are there pictures laughing and laptops smashing" Daniel shouted in a high pitched voice "I d..d..d..dunno bro but forget the laptop i'm more worried about what the writing says, what if it is actually true" Roy said shakily.
After a couple of nervy moments of the boys standing in a puzzled silence they decided this time to leave and not turn back no matter what happens. They stepped out the front door and to their amazement everything was different, the people were all dressed like it was the 1920's, the air was filled with a musky industrial smell and look, and the roads had only a rare automobile that drove up them. Daniel turned his head to look back at the house before tipping Roy on the shoulder "Look at this Roy", Roy turned around and at the front of their house was a sign that read "Nancy Kirwan's Fruit and Vegetable Shop"
Writing has always been a hidden hobby for me developed somewhere in the subconscious of my upbringing as i'm sure it is for many of you.So that's why i have created this blog to delve deep into the human psyche and see what hidden ideas lay in there. All these short horror/urban legends stories are my own unless stated otherwise, enjoy and feel free to message me with feedback or ideas of your own.
Content Description
Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.
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