The smell of burning was very strong as the rising smoke covered the lower half of both their bodies. With each second that passed they were edging closer to their demise. The diner man was screaming in fear "Stop this, you don't need to do it, please", Akecheta closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes, he didn't want to give them the satisfaction of begging for his life as his last moments alive. The Children of the Sun danced around chanting continuously in delight, preparing to make their next sacrifice.
Just as skin was about to touch fire, there shone a light coming up from behind the two bound men. The excited tribe looked in awe at this and immediately cut down Akecheta and the diner man and carried them to safety. The Sun had risen just at the point of sacrifice which had let The Children of the Sun to believe that these two were connected somehow to the sun and needed to be spared. They marched around with the two "chosen" ones, carrying them while facing the sun and again doing some sort of voodoo chant in an unknown language before letting the pair down. They suddenly disappeared then, whatever the sun had said to them sent them back in the direction of the dirt forest which they had come from.
"Lucky escape huh" Akecheta said while slowly returning to his feet and picking up his bag of weaponary. The diner man sat there shaking and just nodded in response. " you have a name? or do I just know you as near death experience buddy?" This time the man responded " Norman, or nervous Norm to those that know me". Akecheta laughed and asked "What gave birth to the meaning of this name?" Norman finally stood up and pointed his shaking index finger at Akecheta "If you seen what I have seen on this goddamn island then you would understand why I am the way that I fucking am now lets just get out of here"
Attempting to walk back towards some sort of civilization Akecheta was wondering what Norman meant by his last comments but didn't wanna ask any more questions at this time. Trekking back through the dirt forest for hours they realized how far they actually were from any sort of town and it was starting to get late, darkness was creeping up on them. Up ahead was a small hut that was worn out but would provide necessary cover for the night. They spent the night not really saying much to each other, both were trying to get their thought together to what just happened, it seemed surreal. Akecheta stood at one side of the hut and Norman the other, darkness was now fully upon them.
Rain started to fall heavily from the sky. Akecheta went out and managed to gather some to use for drinking water and shared with a reluctantly thankful Norman. "Norman what did you mean by what you have seen on the island" asked an inquisitive Akecheta.Norman;"Well lets just say that the monster that you are searching for isn't the only thing here" Akecheta questioned him further but just as Norman was about to reveal exactly what he meant there was a loud angrily sounding growl coming from out side the hut.
The pair looked at each other, finally making eye contact. "What was that" Akecheta shouted out, "That my companion sounds like an answer to your questions" answered Norman. The noise was circling the hut as if stalking its prey, a thought crossed Akechetas mind - "What if its the Wendigo?", he quickly jolted to the door ready to confront the creature but Norman stopped him "Don't, it's not what you think it is, it's something just as deadly but in the dark you won't stand a chance".
The rain beating off the roof of the hut along with the growl of the beast was frightening. They both looked at each other wondering what their next move was when the door that was being held together by a piece of timber blew open and standing at the base of the open door way was a large hyena like creature snarling at them as the rain fell ferociously from its body. Norman tried to slip past it but it swiped at him with its sharp claws knocking him to the ground, his stomach was slashed open from the abdomen.
Akecheta reached ino his bag and took out a large carved out knife. He stood there staring at the beast ready for it and the beast looked directly back at him, salivating, ready to attack. It was now a fight to the death between Akecheta and the bloodthirsty animalistic creature.
Writing has always been a hidden hobby for me developed somewhere in the subconscious of my upbringing as i'm sure it is for many of you.So that's why i have created this blog to delve deep into the human psyche and see what hidden ideas lay in there. All these short horror/urban legends stories are my own unless stated otherwise, enjoy and feel free to message me with feedback or ideas of your own.
Content Description
Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.
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