It is believed in the city of Manaus, a woman of degradation named Camilla who was short in stature with long black hair and alluring in her aura got involved in relations with a Catholic priest. Every Thursday they met up without the knowledge of anyone and this went on for a long time until one particular Thursday. On this day when the sun set Camilla's head turned to flame and her body took the form of a purple mule, this was said to be the action of God who was angered by these relations.
This frightened the priest who for the rest of his life did not get involved with any other women and kept this a secret until the day he died. Friday at sunrise she would return back to her human form until it got to Thursday at sunset to which she would always turn back into this headless mule.
If you pass this mule on your travels she would trample you to death in a matter of second's, although there are ways in which to break the curse. The first one is to remove the bridal crown which can be seen floating above her flames but this comes at a price as the person who does this will be forced to marry her. The other one is simply to stab her with a blessed sharp object.
When the curse is lifted she returns to her normal self but has a continuous tainted smell of sulfur off of her. She would live a normal long loving life with her husband until the day her husband passes and then she would return to the hideous purple mule until she is saved again. This last's forever as her punishment for being involved with a priest is eternal.
If you are out wandering around the jungle of Manaus between sunset on a Thursday and sunrise on a Friday morning then watch out for this beast or if you indeed come across a girl with a similar description be sure to stay away from her seducing enchantment.
It`s great! I loved that you put my name in it :)