The first legend talks about people spotting ghosts swinging from trees on the side of the road. It's not swinging as in the playful playground type, it's more the body of someone after being hung, dangling and swirling in the nights breeze. These people are said to be the bodies of one time slaves of the townspeople who were no longer needed and then murdered and buried along the road side.
Many years ago, there was a horrific car accident that resulted in the sad death of a ten year old child. The child himself was a very bright student who excelled at school in many areas, but mainly art. His death was a result of a an angry drink driver who was acquitted by a technicality, but everyone knew the real reason was because he was drinking with the mayor at the time and the mayors mistress. The ghost of the child is said to be seen wandering up and down the stretch of road looking for revenge on anyone he sees. If you see this ghostly figure then your front windshield will show on it hand prints of blood, which is said to mark your untimely demise.
Do not stop to give anyone a lift on this road; not under any circumstances. Many have vanished from this road for months, and in some cases years, with their last memory being that they pulled over and gave a woman a lift to the next town along the way. When they would return they would be in what many described as a "Sense of trance" and "Not able to connect with". All they would ever talk about is if the lady who needed a lift had got home alright.
Gates of hell are regularly talked about when it comes to the unexplained, and this is no different. A very wealthy man, who bought a plot of land half way up the road, had iron gates built at every entrance to his four houses along the way. These were built for protection purposes but over time his mild mannered nature turned into a more controlling one, and his wife was never left leave their main house. She committed suicide one morning and upon waking to see this, he also took his own life. Now people have speculated that the large rusty gates that provide the entrance to the derelict house are in fact gates to a life of hell.
Running is a great way to maintain health and help you live a longer life, but not when the thing you are running from ends up killing you!!! The ghost of a jogger who was killed mysteriously here is said to chase after those who decide to go for a midnight run on the 13th of every month. The transparent skinny figure will jog right next to you and if you stop to take a break or to tie your shoelaces, then your heart will also stop.
Demonic activity is often reported by the residence on Riverdale Road. Reports of wailing women, mysterious graffiti and dead animals turning up in peoples backyards are an often too common call made by the folk of this part of Thornton. Police were never able to give any explanation as to why these took/ are taking place, other than people passing through on their way out of Denver and having "some fun".
The surrounding land is said to be haunted also, with Native American tribes once inhabiting the area and using the one time barren land as burial grounds. The spirits of these are said to be very protective of their past home, and anyone that does any wrong in the area; according to their tribal laws, is said to meet a very gruesome demise at the hands of a Native American shapeshifer acting as a loved one.
The last legend on this lonesome road is one of a Camaro, that of course, is haunted. The Phantom Camaro of Riverdale Road, to give it, it's proper full title. The road itself is full of blind spots, which have caused numerous accidents on corner turns. One man in his 70's fatally crashed into a pregnant woman on a bright sunny evening back in the summer of the early 1940's. He was arrested and sentenced to death by lethal injection six months later. His last words were "demon car" and now that very car is the one that is spoken about as The Phantom Camaro.
The road today is still a very popular route for those behind the wheel. Those in the area remain convinced that something supernatural is going on here; those outside joke about the people along Riverdale Road.
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