The love between a man and his dog can be very powerful, some even saying that the science behind it all could lurk in our genetics. Dating back as far as 13,000 years ago there was a connection between humans and dogs with it all starting with wolves who followed humans looking for food but then over time a bond developed, and then in turn dogs were bred who evolved alongside people. Many households have dogs now, in the U.S it is thought to be around 9 million houses which is about 24% of the population. When you come home from a hard days work and see your dog wagging its tail it gives you that needed serotonin boost but this uplifting feeling isn't only for you, it's for the dog also as it's the happiest part of the day seeing their owner arrive back home.
A man who went by the name of Draven moved over to Chicago from Romania along with his pet dog - Riley, who was a Doberman. The two were always seen together, attached at the hip some would say. Draven didn't like to interact with people too much, maybe it was just how his culture is but he preferred it this way. He worked as a night time security guard for a warehouse on the city's edge down by 31st Street Harbor which usually involved him and Riley sitting in a small open office on the computer which was interrupted every hour to do the parameter check. He was a man that was very much ruled by routine, everything was meticulously planned out, even down to the time he woke up at and the time he would go for his morning coffee at.
Draven had only one guy he would associate with or call a friend, a man named Vasile who was a fellow Romanian whom he met down at a local kennel shop and ran a business called "The Dog Whisperer". Vasile introduced himself as a man who could talk to dogs and this caught Draven's attention, which was not something that was easily done. Since then the two met up weekly at each others homes and Vasile showed Draven what he meant by "He can talk to the dogs".
Around the town of Chicago a lot of people started to go missing, almost nightly. Seemingly every street pole and shop window were smothered in flyers wanting information about the people that were missing, the police treated these cases as missing people but everyone knew there was something more than that going on around this one area of Chicago.
Vasile would join Draven on his night shifts two/three times a week, the two would google strange dog behaviors for hours on end with Riley being their test subject to try them out. After a few weeks Draven started to become skeptic of Vasile's ability to be able to talk to dogs , all he had seen was him telling a few dogs to go fetch him items and he basic sit, leave it and stay commands. He certainly had a way with the animals but as far as what he said he could do, Draven wasn't so sure anymore and was starting to think that his business was just a scam.
Awaking one morning Draven was shocked to see that Riley wasn't there. In a panic he searched the nearby neighborhood frantically shouting at people in his deep masculine accent"Did you see my dog" but no one had seen his beloved Riley. He rang Vasile to tell him what happened in the hope that he could help. Before he could get any words out Vasile had told him in his monotone smarmy accent "Relax, he's over here but is hungry bring food" before hanging up. Needless to say Draven rushed right over.
He ran up to Vasile's dreary looking apartment which had the door wide open and questioned why was Riley there. Vasile sitting calmly in his armchair rubbing Riley responded "Because I asked him to come over", Draven was perplexed looking but also fuming "You're nothing but a scam, you can't talk to dogs, if I ever see you again you won't be able to talk at all". He then ordered Riley to come on but the dog didn't budge , he ordered again but still no movement, Vasile sat there laughing while rubbing his hands together.
In a full blown rage Draven attacked Vasile, using his much larger frame to throw Vasile around the apartment then while leaning over him he started punching him repeatedly. His face was smashed up and blood dripping from the dozen wounds on his face Draven finally stopped and went over to Riley. "Let's go boy come on, lets go" but Riley sat, back up straight all proud looking as if he was oblivious to his owners commands, meanwhile from the corner of the room Vasile was budging a bit.
"Ha ha ha hahahahahhahah" he was now laughing uncontrollably, Draven was now wondering what he had done to his dog, he clenched his bloody fists and started to walk back over to Vasile who sat up and said "I told you to bring food and you followed my orders, good boy Draven" before whispering over to Riley "Sic '" pointing directly at Draven when saying now. Riley's face immediately turned into a snarl before leaping at his former owner which let out a terrifying roar like bark.
Draven managed to dodge the leap but knew he was trapped in a corner. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked directly into his one time life companion that he loved so much's eyes and knew that he wasn't the same dog. It wasn't death that scared Draven it was the fact that this had happened to his best friend. Moments later there was nothing left of Draven, absolutely nothing!!!. Vasile sat back up on his chair petting the now obedient Riley.
Writing has always been a hidden hobby for me developed somewhere in the subconscious of my upbringing as i'm sure it is for many of you.So that's why i have created this blog to delve deep into the human psyche and see what hidden ideas lay in there. All these short horror/urban legends stories are my own unless stated otherwise, enjoy and feel free to message me with feedback or ideas of your own.
Content Description
Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
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