Folklore of the Mind: Burned!!!! >

Content Description

Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.

Monday 6 November 2017


In the Scottish lowlands of the 16th century many cases of witch trials took place, the number was actually far greater than that of neighboring England. They had a tradition of being vile and dirty while cursing anyone who crossed their path in a negative manner but in fact anyone could be accused of being a witch, they weren't always the stereotypical looking people, all you needed was a good allegation and plenty of people to back you up. The King of these parts at the time often had the final say on the verdict of the trials but if he was absent it went to the towns people to decide if he/she was guilty or innocent, if guilty death by burning at the stake was your punishment as with all good witch fashion.

Agnes Kintour was a nun who worked in a building just off the church of that area , she was just 18 and followed in her family tradition where the girls all went into the clergy and devoted their life to their Catholic beliefs in a time where Presbyterian reformation was becoming larger and larger. As she was new to this scene she had a peripheral role within the church itself, the odd prayer for those that were sick was mostly it, a lot of her time was spent in this stone castle built building preparing meals, changing the bed sheets, doing the laundry and just all basic household chores for the other nuns and also for the camps of young teenage girls that would stay during the summer months to see if this a life they want when they finish school.

In the night the halls were quiet, no one roamed the cold halls but for whoever was on night duty. Some of the other nuns used to invite back boys from a party they were at and spent the night in the large open room. Agnes knew what went on but never said anything to anyone she always kept her head down and did her jobs despite sometimes it spilling out of control and it was her who was always the one who had to clean up their mess. If word got back to The King that these antics took place then they would all be thrown out of the clergy , sent home and shamed in front of the townspeople and their families, the men would be beaten and banished for making a mockery of such an important aspect of peoples beliefs.

One Wednesday night after the nuns celebrated their last big night before the summer camps started they arrived back with a large group of intoxicated men who drank some more and ended up smashing up the place. The other nuns were all passed out or way too drunk to care about this, Agnes was on the night shift and asked the men politely to stop but this only fueled their passion for havoc. They called her derogatory names while asking if she would like to join them in the open room for the night to which Agnes just nervously shook her head while trying to not say anything to upset them more. One guy grabbed her arm and forcefully dragged her into the room as she kicked and screamed but to no avail, the door was slammed shut and outside the others drank some more and laughed until night turned into morning and all that was there had got bored and left.

Over the next few days Agnes had stayed in her room, often in a ball in the corner and looking very pale and shook up. The girls asked her what was wrong but she didn't tell them what happened, she just made up that she wasn't feeling very well to which was believed by everyone. When days passed what happened to Agnes started to take her over , she scratched her nails on the rough walls until they were down to just skin, banged her head repeatedly off the side of the bed in the hope that what happened would fall out of her head but it never did. One of her more close friends there kept asking everyday what was wrong until finally she told her exactly what went down that night minus no detail.

When word spread around the nunnery about Agnes and the events that night the nuns decided to sweep this story under the rug knowing fully what would happen to them if word got out. They all got together and ordered a meeting with the townspeople, at this meeting they suggested that Agnes was a witch, citing the reasons for this being how she would often sit in a ball rocking u and down, scratch the walls and also making up that she was seen numerous casting spells upon her fellow nuns as they slept. The people of the town had a council meeting and decided to write to the King about this, The girls weren't happy as this could take days and anything could come out in between that time so they made up further stories about how she was going increasingly insane and cursing each of the girls.

The following day the group of nuns killed decided that they had to convince people that Agnes was a witch so they killed numerous animals that walked the grounds by feeding them rat poison, they placed the bodies outside the room of Agnes and showed this to the townspeople. After much deliberation they agreed that Agnes had a problem and may well have been a witch, Agnes herself was still messed up and didn't exactly know what happening as she was being led to the town center for the execution. She was extremely calm until one of the people grabbed her hand while tying her up, this caused her horrible flashbacks which caused her to scream uncontrollably, this snapped her out of her state of shock and back to herself but it was too late, she was at the steak and ready to be burned.

The bottom was lit on fire , a priest was blessing her and her fellow nuns grinning at each other knowing that they had got away with it. Slowly Agnes was heating up while still screaming, she shouted out the events of that night but to no avail, everyone just looked at her like she was crazy. Her feet caught the flames first and started to toast her leg, the agonizing shouts of pain were hard to listen too, each cry was fading with her life, the fire reached her waist and suddenly it went ablaze scorching her whole body and turning her skin into moulded crisp flesh. The smell of her burned body spread around the town as the clock hit 12 p.m Agnes Kintour was now dead.

The nuns continued after this to invite people back and go to parties, they laughed and joked about Agnes. The guy who forced himself on her happened to be The Kings nephew and he ended up killing himself after the guilt of what he done was too much for him to live with, he left behind a note dedicated to his uncle and in it stating what he done to Agnes and how the nuns made everything up to protect themselves. The King cleared Agnes' name in the town history of being a witch and ordered the execution of those responsible. Lies, deceit, manipulation and the taking of someone innocents life are traits that The King would not tolerate and death by stoning was in store for the nuns of this convent.

The building where it all took place was shut down immediately after this and was never opened again. This dark time in history is often forgotten about in modern times, it isn't taught in schools and for those that do know about it they are wise to never speak of it.

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