Folklore of the Mind: Rougarous and Witches >

Content Description

Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Rougarous and Witches

In medieval French times they believed in werewolves/Rougarou and would tell their kids these stories to keep them out of the woods, but later in the 16th Century people viewed this as a disease or some sort of medical condition that was more of a genetic disorder rather than something you could catch. When the French set sail and settled in places like Quebec and then Louisiana the story of the Rougarou followed them and expanded to many different versions.

In modern day Cajun Louisiana the legend still exists and there have been many stories told over time but perhaps the case of Lucius Martin sticks out the most. Lucius moved to Lafayette, Louisiana from New Orleans with his wife having previously come down from Canada. He was of French descent but his wife was Canadian. He had a scruffy appearance and gave a stern, stand offish vibe but was quite tall and hunting was his passion. He would spend most of the hunting season out patrolling for deer mostly but if he was having a bad day at the hunting office he would take home some migratory birds for pride reasons more so.

On a routine hunt he had his sights set on a large deer just up ahead through the trees, he let a shot out, which was quickly followed by another one as the first one just missed. The deer was down , the bullet struck its neck but there was another cry that was heard. Lucius went to check this out and seen a regular house cat that had been grazed by a bullet, lying on the wet ground dying slowly. He put the cat out of its misery but out came this weary looking woman, probably only in her late 30's but age wasn't kind to her, pointy nose and wrinkled skin was proof of this. It was her cat that Lucius shot, she was distraught at this repeatedly crying out " No not my Misty" she had a slight Eastern European taste to her accent. Lucius apologised and explained that it was an accident and offered to help bury her cat but the woman told him to leave immediately before saying to him "You took something I love and now I shall return the heartbreak to you" before mumbling some kind of foreign gibberish and leaving with the dead cat in her hands.

Lucius's wife Martina worked at the University of Lafayette as a professor in Anthropology and Sociology was a well respected figure in the community and endeared herself to everyone by hosting many charitable events at the college. In the fall she was suddenly diagnosed with a chronic lung problem which was terminal. She never smoked in her life and actually ran events to help get people to quit smoking, it was like some sort of a sick, disgusting karma. A month she was given to live, all tests were done but nothing could be found as to why she was diagnosed with this, Lucius was torn apart by this news and searched far and wide for help for her but every specialist came to the same bewildering conclusion. On a cold Wednesday morning Martina passed away in her own bed.

All that Lucius could pinpoint this strange sudden death to was the woman who's cat he shot and the words she said to him that day. He confided in one of Martina's colleagues Professor Walken and told him about this meeting with the woman, Walken was immediately interested about this and wanted to hear more. He explained to Lucius that there have been issues before like this but not for many of years but it sure sounded similar and if it was then Lucius has got himself involved in something a lot worse than he could have imagined.  " It seems you have come across a witch Lucius, they haven't been seen in years but when you cross one and upset one like you have done they curse you" Lucius looking perplexed didn't respond he just sat there rubbing his temple. The professor quickly followed this up by saying "Sounds like she cursed your wife with lycanthropy" Lucius finally musters up a response "My head is all over the place, so if this is lycanthropy does this mean what I think it means?" "Yep" says professor Walken.

Over the next two weeks there were reported mauling's of people not far from where Lucius went hunting to which were put down to animal attacks, Black Bears mostly got the honor of the killings. Lucius knew what this was but had to wait until The Moon was at its biggest and brightest to come across the creature. Professor Walken told him all he needed to know but Lucius didn't want him to go along with him on this special hunt, he needed to go and face this alone. The Moon was at its fullest and off set Lucius equipped with all he supposedly needed.

He wandered around for a few hours, often taking breaks to question his sanity and mistaking the sound of a hungry idle fox for what he was looking for, until he could hear a rustling noise up ahead followed by the growl of a rabid dog. Through the trees in the distance he could see yellow eyes peering at him but it started to get closer and closer, he noticed that she was still herself but stuck in the transformation stage. She grew from her 5ft 3 height to what must of been 7ft in a matter of seconds, her spine sticking out from her back, nails grew longer, fur covered her body especially around her neck in what looked rather mane like. What was his wife was no more as she coldly stared at him not recognizing that this is the man that she swore to spend her life with, an overflow of drool spilled from her mouth knowing she would feed soon.

Lucius armed with a bow and arrow arched his aim back ready to let go, tears coming from his face he reluctantly let an arrow fly that hit her above the shoulder. These arrows were specialized silver arrows to take down creatures such as this that were given to him by the professor. The Rougarou was dazed but continued galloping towards Lucius who arched back again and fired another, this time it stopped her in her tracks. She crawled inch by inch until she reached his feet still trying to get one last bite at him. He could see that she was in pain and caught between trying to claw at him and whining for help, Lucius said a prayer in his head before letting fly of one last arrow that struck Martina right between the eyes.

As the arrow hit her she started to turn back to her true form and she lay there naked and lifeless, Lucius carried her body to a quiet place and buried her peacefully. Later that night the anger inside of him grew and grew so he set out to find the woman that cursed his wife, when he reached the area that he saw her before there was a cottage and a grave outside it marked Misty. He kicked open the door and saw the lady rocking in her chair laughing as if expecting his arrival, "Why, why , why did you do this he angrily shouted at her but her response was just more laughter followed by "Because i can". He promised to kill her slowly , first he fired an arrow that struck her in the stomach then stabbed her in both wrists while she lay on the ground, sticking her to the floor with blood pouring out. He lit a match and made a trail leading up to her out of gasoline, "Die bitch" he said as he threw the match on the ground. She went up in flames along with the house.

The next day Lucius went to tell the professor what happened, he called to his house and college but he wasn't there, his phone was off, he just vanished. A month later there was still no sign of Walken, Lucius was walking down the town road when he over heard that the maulings happened again last night and he immediately thought of the professor. The witch had cursed him with heartbreak but it wasn't just for his wife it was for everyone that ever got close to him.

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