Every Tuesday was Jason's day off from work so he would normally run some errands and just relax for the day, drink a few beers, watch the game just doing what every other guy in his mid 40's does on his day off. He worked as a solicitor for some high end law firm down on the corner of 8th and Charles Avenue, an area which most people would only see on special occasions. He was single, living the bachelor life as he liked to put it, never was married never wanted to be,doesn't have kids doesn't want too either. He loved doing his own thing and living the high life, the thought of responsibilities scared him. Himself and his dog were the only residence here unless you count the ladies of the night that would often swing by to boost Jason's ego.
He hung out at a bar down the road from work, one of these bars that everyone wore suits and Jason loved this he loved the feeling that gave him, he felt masculine and accomplished in the suit but also when he looked at a girl and she notices him in "that" bar he got a thrill almost like an adrenaline rush knowing that the respect was there with the eye contact. His friends were the nerd turned big shot types that turned into exactly what they resented in school. Once they got a top paying job they now smugly stood in their suits judging people that passed before going out to the back alley and rolling up.
On a frosty Tuesday night Jason came from the bar and sat down, dozing off to sleep he heard a knock at his door, he groggily walked over and answered it but no one was there. His dog went running out , he shouted for the dog to come back but then everything started to get dark, his eyes were shutting and speech was slurring until the point where it all went black.When he woke everything was blurry at first, all he could see were shadows in front of him but things were so disorientating. He noticed after a few minutes that he was upside down hanging from the ceiling, there was blood dripping from some part of his body which could be heard dropping every second or so into a bucket that lay by his head. The shadows that were in front of him were actually people, three people standing looking at him with their heads tilted to their right hand side, they stood holding sharp large knives but their faces were covered with a mask, a Halloween styled crazy latex human face mask with a huge smile carved into it and long hair attached to the back.
Jason asked repeatedly "What do you want" but never got an answer they just kept standing peering at him, one guy straightened his head for a second but immediately leaned it back to the right again, this was as much life that these mysterious men would show. An hour would pass, Jason was getting weaker and weaker the blood was all rushing to the area that was cut open , drop by drop he could feel himself slowly deteriorating. His scream for help was in vain as when he tried to do so all that came out was a croaky whisper, he worked out that the cut was just below his larynx in his throat and needed medical help very soon.
A few minutes later one of the men pulled out some juggling balls and started to juggle while laughing uncontrollably, seeing this in a state of disorientation was actually disturbingly comforting. When he was finished he looked to the guy to his left who took out a skipping rope and started to skip, again along with the laugh. The third and final guy sat on the ground and started playing with building blocks, he built up as high as he could go then pointed at Jason laughing again as if he was the joker uncle at a wedding telling a silly joke. They started to edge closer step by step as the laughter grew louder and more out of control, Jason at this stage was actually starting to laugh to himself , it was contagious it seemed but he was clearly going into shock. As they got to within a few yards of him the three men took turns forming a tunnel with their arms reaching out, two would stand with their arms outstretched meeting the other persons hands and one would run through and then they would change it up. They hit play on an old tape player with classic opera music playing as each took turns running through the man made tunnel but at the end when they got to Jason they would each stab him in the abdomen, must of been 8/9 stabbings before they finished.
Jason lay upside down his stomach ripped open with guts and intestines hanging from his body, the three men took pictures of his lifeless body , posing next to it and drawing smiley faces all over him, they were proud of their nights work. It sort of looked like Jason was the catch of the day with how delighted they were acting, they then left the house behind leaving no trace of evidence only the body hanging there which was found shortly.
An investigation was made into the murder and after a while the three men were caught somewhere up the country, after all DNA samples were taken it was reported that these three men were actually Jason's three sons. He impregnated three different women back in his early 20's before leaving each one of them to bring up the children alone.Somewhere along the line the three sons met each other, presumably after each of their mothers passed away due to the life they all lived which was nothing short of misery. The three women were all involved in drugs and had to use their body to make a living for them and their sons which eventually caught up with them all. This murder was put down to an act of revenge for the sons as they each blamed the disappearance of their dad for the life they were subjected too. They were all found guilty and sent to prison for life without parole, they were beaten badly in prison to the point of death until they all took their own lives one at a time starting with the eldest. Jason's dog was found in the neighbors house safe and sound shortly after the murder.
Writing has always been a hidden hobby for me developed somewhere in the subconscious of my upbringing as i'm sure it is for many of you.So that's why i have created this blog to delve deep into the human psyche and see what hidden ideas lay in there. All these short horror/urban legends stories are my own unless stated otherwise, enjoy and feel free to message me with feedback or ideas of your own.
Content Description
Folklore of the Mind is just a name I chose, basically because I want people to use creative stories from their own minds. This isn't entirely dedicated to folklore as the name suggests, there will be all kinds of post's on my blog including folklore, urban legends, horror stories both short and long, myth's, creepy poems, flash fiction and creepypasta's.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
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